Cookies policy

What are "cookies"?

"Cookies" should be understood as IT data, in particular text files, stored in users' end devices intended for the use of websites. These files allow to recognize the user's device and properly display the page website tailored to his individual preferences. "Cookies" usually contain the name of the website they come from, their storage time on the end device and a unique number.

What do we use cookies for?

"Cookies" are used to adapt the content of websites to the user's preferences and to optimize the use of websites. They are also used to create anonymous, aggregated statistics that help to understand how the user uses websites, which allows improving their structure and content, excluding personal identification of the user.

What cookies do we use?

There are, in principle, two types of "session" and "permanent" cookies. The first of them are temporary files that remain on the user's device until logging out of the website or turning off the software (web browser). "Permanent" files remain on the user's device for the time specified in the parameters of "cookies" or until they are manually deleted by the user.
"Cookies" used by the operator's partners of the website, including in particular website users, are subject to their own privacy policy.
A detailed division of cookies can be distinguished, due to:


Types of cookies due to the necessity to provide the service:

  1. Necessary - absolutely necessary for the proper functioning of the website or functionalities that the user wants to use
  2. Functional - they are important for the operation of the website:
    • are used to enrich the functionality of the website, without them the website will work properly, but it will not be adapted to the user's preferences,
    • are used to ensure a high level of website functionality, without the settings stored in the cookie file, the level of website functionality may decrease, but should not prevent the full use of it,
    • are used for very important website functionalities, blocking them will result in the selected functions not working properly.
  3. Business - enable the implementation of the business model based on which the website is made available, blocking them will not make the entire functionality of the website unavailable, but may reduce the level of service provision due to the inability of the website owner to generate revenues subsidizing the website operation. This category includes, for example, advertising cookies.


Due to the time the cookie will be placed on the user's end device:

  1. Temporary cookies (session cookies) - cookie placed for the time of using the browser (session), it is deleted after its closing
  2. Persistent cookies - they are not deleted after closing the browser and remain in the user's device for a specified period of time or without a validity period depending on the settings of the website owner


Due to the origin of the website administrator who manages cookies:

  1. First party cookie - a cookie placed directly by the owner of the website that has been visited
  2. Third-party cookie - cookie placed by external entities whose website components were triggered by the website owner

Note : cookies can be called by the administrator using scripts, components, which are located on the partner's servers located in a different location - a different country or even a completely different legal system. If the website administrator calls up website components from outside the administrator's system, standard cookie policy rules may apply other than the website administrator's privacy / cookie policy.


Due to the purpose they serve:

  1. Service configuration - they enable the function

ji and services on the site

  • Security and reliability of the website - they enable verification of authenticity and optimization of website performance
  • Authentication - they enable information when the user is logged in, thanks to which the website can show relevant information and functions
  • Session status - they allow you to save information about how users use the website. They may relate to the most frequently visited pages or possible error messages displayed on some pages. Cookies used to save the so-called "Session state" help to improve services and make browsing more comfortable.
  • Processes - they enable efficient operation of the website itself and the functions available on it
  • Ads - they allow you to display ads that are more interesting for users and at the same time more valuable for publishers and advertisers, personalize ads, they can also be used to display ads outside the pages of the website (domain)
  • Location - they allow you to adjust the displayed information to the user's location
  • Analyzes and research, audience audit - they enable website owners to better understand the preferences of their users and, through analysis, to improve and develop products and services. Typically, the website owner or research firm collects information anonymously and processes trend data without identifying the personal data of individual users


Harmless - includes cookies:
necessary for the website to function properly
needed to enable the functionality of the site, but their operation has nothing to do with user tracking

Investigating - used to track users, but do not include information that identifies the data of a specific user


Do cookies contain personal data

Personal data collected using "cookies" may be collected only for the purpose of performing specific functions for the user. Such data is encrypted in a way that prevents access by unauthorized persons.


Delete cookies

By default, the software used for browsing websites allows for the placing of "cookies" on the end device by default. These settings can be changed in such a way as to block the automatic handling of "cookies" in the web browser settings or inform about their every transfer to the device user. Detailed information on the possibilities and methods of handling cookies is available in the software (web browser) settings.

Restricting the use of "cookies" may affect some of the functionalities available on the website.

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