Useful Online Meditation
Here are online meditations I found to be very helpful, especially during pandemic. They represent several different approaches to what is called Mindful Meditations. These methods originate in India and its neighborhoods, but at present people from different cultures became good meditation leaders providing different pathways towards enlightenment, whatever that means.
My own meditation pathway started with Krishnamurti, a contemporary Indian sage who passed away during the nineties. He taught me a powerful technique of dealing with fear:
How does one tackle a dormant seed of fear?
How to dissolve fear completely?
The next sage that I followed for awhile has been the British mistic Rupert Spira who explores a non-dual world with the spiritual element of awareness at its center. In Polish (and possibly other Slavic languages) we have a problem with the word "awareness" and "consciousness, which both translate into a single word : świadomość. The distinction between the two, in my opinion is necessary to grasp their role and the relationship between them. Russian psychologist, Lew Vygotski defined awareness as the "consciousness of consciousness" and this definition conveys maybe...80% of its meaning. Consequently Polish language's reduction of the meaning to one word might be confusing to some of us.
The Mindful Meditation Movement is a new site focused on using meditation, relaxation and elements of yoga for psychological transformation. Its idea is to change "the programming" of the mind into controllable change of negative habits. Quite useful for the development of inner discipline:
Mooji is a Jamaican sage with a direct method of "emptying your mind", which is quite powerful. It follows old Hindu wisdom of catching the moment of mental emptiness between thoughts, and expanding it:
My last suggestion is a very American sage, Gil Fronsdal coming out from California whose essentially Buddhist meditations give a lot of help with central buddhist dictum: No clinging!
I have a lot of clinging within myself to deal with now:
What I especially like about Gil is that he doesn't talk too much in distinction to other leaders and let's you find your own place within the suggested approach.
The last type of meditation I am involved with is Insight Dialog Meditation, which however has no videos as yet, since it is the approach where two or three people meditate together through a structured dialogue. There are meditation groups here in NYC, as well as in Massachusetts, and if someone is interested (and comfortable with English) I can introduce to such a group's Zoom meditation.
Of course clicking any of the suggestions above allows to get connected with many different videos of the same sage. One can start choosing.